AP TET Final Answer Key 2024: The Andhra Pradesh Department of School Education is scheduled to release the final answer key for AP TET July exam today, October 27, at the official website. The state level exam takes place annually and consists of Papers 1 and 2. The was conducted in six languages, including Kannada, Tamil, Odia, Hindi, Telugu and Urdu.
Candidates who appeared for the 2 hour-30 minute (or 150 Minutes) exam can check and download the response sheet for all subjects from the official website, aptet.apcfss.in.
How to download AP TET final answer key?
Candidates must follow the instructions given below to download the final AP TET answer key:
Step 1: Go to the official website at aptet.apcfss.in
Step 2: Select the ‘Question Papers & Keys’ link on the home page
Step 3: Select the AP TET final answer key link available on the answer key page
Step 4: Save and download the final answer key that appears on the screen.
The AP TET examination, which was held in two sessions, was conducted on October 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, this year. The first session of the exam began at 9:30 am and concluded at 12:00 noon. The second session of the exam commenced at 2:30 pm and ended at 5:00 pm.
It is important to note that the final AP TET answer key will not be open to objections since the objection window has closed already. The provisional answer key was released stage wise, a day after each exam day. The process of provisional answer key release began on October 4 and concluded on October 22. Meanwhile, the answer key challenge window opened on October 5.
According to the official schedule, AP TET result will be announced on November 2, that is six days after the final answer key is released. This exam enables qualifying candidates to apply for teaching jobs in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Candidates must visit aptet.apcfss.in for more information and updates about AP TET answer key and result.