New Delhi, The Central government has appointed over 40,000 individuals to vacant postions in the education sector over the past 4-5 years, according to Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan. Speaking in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday, the education minister highlighted the introduction of the Professors of Practice (PoP) system, aimed at incorporating experienced industry professionals into higher academic institutions like IITs.
These PoP appointments are “need-based” and not permanent positions. Pradhan emphasized that PoPs would bring valuable expertise and innovative ideas to the education sector.
“PoP is a major recommendation under the New Education Policy. Now there is a consensus that besides degree, we would also have to give importance to competency,” said Pradhan.
The endeavour is to take education towards employability and entrepreneurship. Hence, a relationship between industry and academia is required, he added.
The minister was replying to a supplementary asked from CPI (M) member John Brittas, who asked whether the government has reserved 10 per cent of the academic posts for PoPs and will it bring down the reservation for SC & ST and OBC in higher institutions.
Brittas said almost 26 per cent of academic posts and 46 per cent of other posts are vacant now and whether such a PoP system will affect the employment opportunity for youths.
“We have appointed over 40,000 people in last 4-5 years in the vacant posts,” said Pradhan.
It would also not occupy any existing post of the university or colleges, he said.
NCP MP Fauzia Khan wanted to the how many women professors are appointed as PoP.
On this, Pradhan said it depends on the need of the particular institutions, aptitude and capacity of the person.
“Government has no interference, where there should be a quantum of any gender,” he said.
These PoP appointments are “need-based” and not permanent positions. Pradhan emphasized that PoPs would bring valuable expertise and innovative ideas to the education sector.
“PoP is a major recommendation under the New Education Policy. Now there is a consensus that besides degree, we would also have to give importance to competency,” said Pradhan.
The endeavour is to take education towards employability and entrepreneurship. Hence, a relationship between industry and academia is required, he added.
The minister was replying to a supplementary asked from CPI (M) member John Brittas, who asked whether the government has reserved 10 per cent of the academic posts for PoPs and will it bring down the reservation for SC & ST and OBC in higher institutions.
Brittas said almost 26 per cent of academic posts and 46 per cent of other posts are vacant now and whether such a PoP system will affect the employment opportunity for youths.
“We have appointed over 40,000 people in last 4-5 years in the vacant posts,” said Pradhan.
It would also not occupy any existing post of the university or colleges, he said.
NCP MP Fauzia Khan wanted to the how many women professors are appointed as PoP.
On this, Pradhan said it depends on the need of the particular institutions, aptitude and capacity of the person.
“Government has no interference, where there should be a quantum of any gender,” he said.