US News High School Rankings 2024: Check out the top 10 STEM high schools - Times of India

U.S. News has released its nationwide ranking of nearly 25,000 public high schools across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The rankings include traditional high schools, as well as charter, magnet, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) schools. According to the official website, approximately 17,660 schools were ranked based on six factors, including performance on state assessments and college readiness.
Today, we focus on the STEM rankings, highlighting the top 20 schools. These rankings are derived from the top 2,000 public schools listed in the overall best high schools rankings. U.S. News assessed students’ participation in and success with Advanced Placement (AP) science and math tests to determine the 2024 Best STEM Schools.

Top 10 STEM Schools

Here are the top 10 STEM-focused high schools in the U.S., showcasing exceptional performance in science, technology, engineering, and math. These schools stand out for their high STEM rankings, national recognition, and student success in advanced coursework.

Name of the school STEM ranking National Ranking Graduation Rate STEM Index Enrollment (9 to 12)
High Technology High School 1 24 100% 99.3 285
BASIS Peoria 2 1 96.2 263
BASIS Chandler 3 84 71% 96.5 344
The Early College of Guilford 4 16 More than 95% 95.8 195
Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology 5 14 100% 95.6 1967
Edison Academy Magnet School 6 42 100% 94 175
BASIS Tuscon North 7 33 93.2 247
Whitney High School 8 11 99% 92.6 684
BASIS Scottdale 9 32 92.4 297
Tesla STEM High School 10 3 91.9 609

The list highlights the top 10 STEM-focused high schools based on STEM rankings, national rankings, STEM index, and enrollment. High Technology High School secures the top spot with a 99.3 STEM index and a modest enrollment of 285, reflecting its exclusivity. BASIS schools dominate the list, with BASIS Peoria (rank 2) achieving the highest national ranking and BASIS Chandler (rank 3) maintaining a strong STEM index of 96.5. Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology has the highest enrollment at 1,967, underscoring its scale and reputation. Tesla STEM High School ranks 10th yet holds a notable national rank of 3, reflecting excellence in STEM education. Overall, the list showcases diverse schools excelling in STEM education across varying scales and metrics.

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