RRB NTPC Exam 2024 date to be declared soon? Check details | Mint

RRB NTPC Exam 2024 date: The Railway Recruitment Boards is likely to announce the RRB NTPC 2024 exam dates soon. The exam schedule for both NTPC Undergraduate and Graduate Level posts will be released on the official websites of the RRBs.

The RRB NTPC Exam will fill a total of 11,558 posts, with 8,113 positions at the graduate level and 3,445 at the undergraduate level. Candidates can also check the timetable on the RRB website, depending on whether they have applied for the undergraduate, or graduate posts.

RRB NTPC Exam 2024: Admit card details

The admit card for the RRB NTPC Exam 2024, would reportedly be released four days before the exam date.

RRB NTPC Exam 2024: Selection criteria

According to the RRB NTPC Exam bulletin, selections for the undergraduate posts, will be made on the basis of two-stage Computer Based Test (CBTs). In addition, there would also be a “Computer Based Typing Skill Test (TST)” wherever applicable.

For graduate-level posts, there will also be a two-stage Computer Based Test (CBTs), followed by either a “Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT)” or a “Typing Skill Test (TST)” where applicable.

RRB NTPC Exam 2024: How much does the job pay?

Depending on the post, a job gained from the RRB NTPC Exam 2024 offers a salary ranging from as low as 19,900 to 35, 400.

RRB NTPC Salary for Undergraduate Posts

Junior Clerk cum Typist: 19,900 (Level-2)

Accounts Clerk cum Typist: 19,900 (Level-2)

Trains Clerk: 19,900 (Level-2)

Commercial cum Ticket Clerk: 21,700 (Level-3)

RRB NTPC Salary for Graduate Posts

Goods Train Manager: Rs. 29,200 (Level-5)

Chief Commercial cum Ticket Supervisor: Rs. 35,400 (Level-6)

Senior Clerk cum Typist: Rs. 29,200 (Level-5)

Junior Account Assistant cum Typist: Rs. 29,200 (Level-5)

Station Master: Rs. 35,400 (Level-6)

In addition to the base salary, all employees also get allowances and perks such as Dearness Allowance (DA), Transport Allowance (TA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Pension Scheme and medical benefits.

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